Friday, February 6, 2009

How to Finally Quit Smoking

I don’t get it why the label "Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined that Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health" is clearly written to every cigarette package and yet people still use it. Here is another attempt to educate people how to quit smoking

1. Think of all the bad consequence of smoking. Think of lung cancer, think about heart attacks and Think about dying and losing your love ones because of smoking.

2. If that doesn’t work how about being optimistic. Think about how much money you will save just by giving up smoking.

3. Still not working? how about think of how your breath stinks, that you have yellow teeth, that you have embarrassing smell on your clothes, and your body.

4. If your reason is its hard because your body is craving for it, Try to use nicotine patch, or nicotine candy to help with withdrawals.

5. Get family support or find a buddy to quit smoking with you.

6. You can find more information Guide to Quitting Smoking @

7. If still not working get help.
American Cancer Society 1-800-ACS-2345 (1-800-227-2345).
American Lung Association Toll-free number: 1-800-548-8252) (1-800-LUNG-USA) Web site:
Nicotine Anonymous Toll-free number: 1-877-879-6422 Web site:

also posted @ ehow

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to Quit Drinking Soda

For some soda lovers it seems like quitting drinking soda is impossible. Some people like me could not even eat without drinking soda. Thirst is only relieved by soda. We all know how bad it is for our health and yet we are too addicted that we don’t care what the consequence is. Don’t despair, there is a way to quit and it’s not as hard as we thought its going to take.
Here are the steps I did to quit drinking Soda.

1. Think of big reason why you want to quit drinking soda and make it your inspiration. I have 2 big reasons: 1. I desperately want to lose weight and I associate soda why I gained weight.2.I need to pay off a credit card and every penny I save is very important. If you drink soda everyday and every meal you will save a lot of money in 1 month. Every time I have cravings for soda I always think about my two big reasons for wanting to quit. You can also think about other disadvantages of drinking soda and use that as inspiration.

2. Find an alternative with soda. I started with orange juice, then after I got used to orange juice, I mix 50% water and 50% orange juice. Now I can just drink water and not even thinking about soda. For all soda lovers you know how the craving is. Water could not relieve thirst. But now I’m completely fine just drinking water. It only takes few weeks or months and before you knew it, you are already fine without soda.

3. Set a price for your goal. Mine is the dollars I saved for not drinking soda. And I weigh my self everyday. If I’m gaining weight or not loosing weight the more I become determined to stop drinking soda. It worked. I couldn’t believe its going to happen but I it did.
Good luck quitting with soda. If I made it I’m sure you can do it too.

Monday, February 2, 2009

How to Survive First Year of Working as a Nurse

After passing your NCLEX the next challenge is how to survive your first year of Nursing. Here are some tips to make your life a little easier.

1. Know the Nursing department you are going to work with and what kind of patient population they have. Study about the diseases they normally have and what are the nursing interventions for a particular disease.

2. Study your orientee manual or your department policy book. They have all the information you need to know how to function as a nurse on a specific unit. Ask for a copy, they normally provide one for each employee, if not make sure you know where the Nursing Protocols are located at.

3. Bring with you a small Nursing Skill Book, drug book, I used my cell phone to write important things about nursing like abgs, normal values, nursing interventions common medications we used or find a computer that you can use for quick reference.

4. Find a mentor. You will have a preceptor who will train you on your first few weeks. Use them as a resource and don’t be afraid to ask. They will not let you go off orientation unless you are ready and you can always ask for extension for your orientation if you are not ready. You will never think you are ready until you are actually doing things on your own. Find other nurses to help you. Nurses help each other out.

5. It’s ok to feel scared. Even nurses who work for a long time don’t know everything. Just don’t be afraid to ask.

6. Always try to learn something new about nursing, brush up your skills by reading nursing magazines or book, attend nursing seminars. The hospital usually provides educational seminars to their employees or they normally pay you to attend a nursing seminar.

7. There will be times that things get though. The only way to survive is don’t give up, learn from your experience and move on.

8. Find a way to de stress your self. Stay healthy, and have fun.

9. Don’t forget to pray each day.